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10 Powerful Lessons From My Trip to Albania.

Overlooking the Adriatic Sea

This week we take a break from the Powerful Women of Purpose series to share 10 Powerful Lessons from my experience visiting and speaking in Tirana, Albania at the Global Woman Summit hosted by the Beautiful and Powerful Mirela Sula and her team.

I find it beneficial to itemize these lessons which make it meaningful for me and I hope it does for you as well.

1. To become great at anything you must start!

Thinking is great but doing is better. No dreams ever became a reality by just thinking about it; it is in the doing that we become great. So if you want to be successful at anything in life you must take action. Do something. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Start today.

2. Changing locations can change your life!

When you get this point it will change your life. Change your location and it will change your life. Sometimes we become so comfortable even in uncomfortable situations that are paralyzing the dreams we have inside. A new location gives us a fresh perspective. A new location pushes us to change. A new location causes us to grow. It may fell a bit frightening at times but so does growth. To get from where you are to where you want to be you must move.

3. If you are afraid to fail you will fail!

When you focus on what if it doesn’t work, what if it’s not perfect, and what if it’s not good enough you will fail. I know God did not give me or you a spirit of fear but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. So when the thoughts of fear creeps in you have The Power to speak to it, you have Love to overcome it, and you have a Sound mind to think differently. So think of power and plan differently. Say today, I am love, I am power and I have a sound mind.

4. You are enough, own it!

You are enough just the way you are; think about it and repeat it. I am enough. No-one else has your fingerprint; no one else has your eyes, or hands or feet, or dreams. You are unique and that makes you enough. Stop comparing yourself and your story to others. Unique you are, own it.

5. Your life experiences are blessings no matter how ‘messed-up” you think they are!

I have often wondered why there are so many messed-up stories in the Bible. While I am still learning the answers to my wondering, I have realized that they are there to teach us that life doesn’t have to be perfect to make an impact. We all will stumble, sometimes fall but in the falling comes the process of rising and in the rising comes to the testimony of encouraging someone else who doesn’t have to fall to learn.

6. Always be ready to go!

If you want to travel the world, make sure you have a passport that is ready current. If you want to speak to millions make sure your speech ready to share. Be ready. The time to prepare is before the opportunity comes. Stay ready is sure to show up.

7. Ask for what you want and be clear!

You alone know exactly what you want, so never be afraid to ask for it. Become very clear, don’t settle. Wait. It will come. When you are clear on what you want others won’t be confused on what to give you.

8. Women across the world no matter the language, color or belief want pretty much the same things!

This was one of the most humbling experiences of this entire trip, being privileged to hear the stories of the Albanian women. The stories can be summed up into one statement, "we all want to be the best for our families, our children our friends and show up powerfully in our careers", but it’s not easy doing it all and still finding time to take care and nurture ourselves. In the humblest way I can say this we as women have to, we must put ourselves first. We must nurture ourselves in order to nurture others. Daily self-care practice is non-negotiable. Put it first on your to-do list. Set aside time to follow my rule. 1 hour per day self-care, 1 day per week, 1 weekend per month and 1 week per year all dedicated to you only. No one else can or will make this a priority for you, not your husband, not your children, not your parent, not your friends, not your boss but YOU. Take the self-care challenge today. Set it up on your calendar for the year. Take a picture and share with hashtag

9. Family always comes before work!

Integrate your family into your career, job or business. This gives them a place to see what you do, more time spent together and a greater appreciation for each other.

10. Everyone has a God-given dream and desire that will come to fulfillment when we completely surrender to the Dream giver-God. I have never met a person and will never meet a person who does not have a dream or desire to be more, do more and show up more in their lives and in the world. Deep inside there is a dream. If you know yours then thank God and live it. If you don’t know what it is or have been afraid of shy to share, you have my permission to share it or bring it to the surface. Do it today. Do it boldly. Do it with apology. Do it now. If you need help, seek out the one who gave you the dream-God. Ask him to show you how he wants you to use it, ask for a strategy, ask for wisdom to select a mentor and make a move today.

It was an honor and privilege visiting Albania. The people are great, the food amazing. Thank you for giving me such a life changing experience. I will be back.

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