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Powerful Women of Purpose Series. Meet Melanie Turner

Quick Facts:

Melanie Turner is the creative mind behind living luxuriously for less. She has been an inspirational drive for thousands on her YouTube channel. Melanie motivates people to live an amazing life using a little creativity of their own. She is a motivational figure for young girls taking her classes on how to live purposefully. She hosts the Royal tea and etiquette class for free for young girls who aspire of a better life.

What's your definition of purpose?

Purpose is to know who you are and what need you were created to fulfill.

When did you know for sure what your purpose is and what you wanted to contribute to the world as your career?

I rededicated my life to Christ when I was around 27… I began working in the ministry assisting however and wherever I could. Our ministry hosts baby showers for the mothers to be. The young lady who normally decorated and coordinated the baby showers was finally expecting and everyone was ecstatic. My now, mother in love, challenged me to decorate because she was a prophet knew that God had blessed me with a gift of creativity {although I had never decorated anything prior to that time}. Everyone was blown away with the small details of the shower and I was blown away by the joy and smiles on the faces of the mother to be as well as the shower attendees.

From that point forward, I knew that a portion of my purpose revolved around celebrating others and being a beacon of encouragement, joy and hope in their lives. Thus my event planning company, Melanie Turner Designs and Events, blossomed from baby showers to full blown events.

To date what's your most significant accomplishment?

My most significant accomplishment is not a degree {although I have a B.S. in Food Science and Chemistry along with a Master Business Administration}, or the fact that I landed my dream job earning a respectable salary while simultaneously operating two successful businesses… It is not that I married prince charming and we are living out our dream together in a quaint little town in North Alabama.

My most significant accomplishment is being able to overcome the numerous challenges that I have faced in my life {poverty, scarcity, lack, mental abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse and the list goes on}- Reach back- Help others who have been dealt a similar hand… Teach them the strategies that I learned while overcoming and watching them win in life! There is nothing more significant than that!

What's one tip you would give to someone trying to figure out what their purpose is, and living it no matter what?

If you were given a luxury car and after pressing numerous buttons, you still couldn’t figure out how to turn the lights on… No one around you could tell you how to turn them on, because none of them had this car… Your next move would probably be open the glove compartment and take a look in the owner’s manual.

That is the tip that I would share with you today… No one can tell you for the purpose for which you were created but the Creator. Ask Him... Pull out your owner’s manual {the bible} and study it… Volunteer in areas that you have an interest in your ministry. If you are planted in the right place, it will be a safe place to learn and grow. Eventually, your purpose will be revealed and you will realize that it was there all along…

What's your definition of beauty and how do you celebrate your individual beauty?

Beauty is reaching beyond your pain to bring others pleasure. I celebrate my individual beauty by showcasing it in others…

Besides the Bible what's your favorite self development book?

Outside of the bible, my favorite and GO TO self-development book is called Brand Me: Make Your Mark: Turn Passion into Profit by Melisa Dawn Johnson. This book is a MUST read for anyone who is ready for the next level in life!

Melanie Turner had the courage to follow her purpose against all odds and her bravery is an example for millions of people out there still thinking about taking the initial steps. She is a successful entrepreneur of living luxuriously for less and Melanie Turner Designs and Events. Subscribe to her YouTube channel Living Luxurious for Less.

With creativity and determination we can all fulfill our dreams like Melanie. If you know you need help figuring out your purpose, kick fear to the curb and take advantage of our one-on-one coaching offer .

Until next week shine on!

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